If you wish to get in touch, need a hint 'n' tip about a marketing or sponsorship matter, looking for advice & guidance about hosting an event, or just a friendly natter about supporting and growing a business in Ireland or UK, you are very welcome to send your details via the little form below and I will get back to you at my soonest opportunity.
My mobile number has not changed since 2010. So, if you have it, please feel most welcome to call, message or whatsapp.
May you stay fit and well during these continued challenging times for all.
Ádh mór
If you wish to get in touch, need a hint 'n' tip about a marketing or sponsorship matter, looking for advice & guidance about hosting an event, or just a friendly natter about supporting and growing a business in Ireland or UK, you are very welcome to send your details via the little form below and I will get back to you at my soonest opportunity.
My mobile number has not changed since 2010. So, if you have it, please feel most welcome to call, message or whatsapp.
May you stay fit and well during these continued challenging times for all.
Ádh mór